The End

Seven famous actors get caught up in a game that no one can predict the ending. In a moment when the whole world is in limbo and the future seems more than uncertain, the stars receive a lucrative offer. And although it is not the height of their ambition, they do not intend to give it up. Sex, intrigue, betrayals, denunciations, disloyalty, deceptions, all covered with an artificial smile.
IMDb 3.81 h 55 min2021X-RayUHDR
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Nudityviolencesubstance usesmokingfoul languagesexual content

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PolskiPolski Dialogue Boost: MediumPolski Dialogue Boost: High




Tomasz Mandes


Ewa LewandowskaTomasz Mandes


Tomasz KarolakAleksandra PoplawskaJaroslaw BoberekPaulina GalazkaPrzemyslaw SadowskiAgnieszka WielgoszPiotr WitkowskiKatarzyna Figura


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